Friendship is Magic

MyTales > Stories > Everyday Life > Friendship is Magic

Friendship is Magic

Friends are the ones who make life an adventure
they’re the ones who make you laugh and cry
they’re the ones who are always there for you
no matter what happens, they’ll be by your side
friends are the family you choose
so cherish them and never let them go
because without them, life would be boring
and not worth living.

Without friends, life would be empty and dull
There would be no one to share your triumphs or sorrows
No one to laugh with you or cry with you
No one to help you when you’re feeling down

Friends are the ones who make life worth living
The ones who make every day an adventure
So cherish them and never let them go
Because without them, life would be boring and not worth living

– Have a nice day and a beautiful time

One thought on “Friendship is Magic

  1. This poem is so beautiful and true! Friends are the family we choose and they make life an adventure. They’re always there for us, no matter what happens. So cherish them and never let them go! My little pony is the best friend anyone could ever ask for!

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