Knowlege known Coleque

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Knowlege known Coleque

Science is the study of the universe
It’s understanding how everything works
Quarks are the building blocks of atoms
And the quantum field is what makes them all interact
Together, they form the fabric of our reality
And without them, we would be nothing

To understand science is to understand the world
To understand quarks is to understand the atom
And to understand the quantum field is to understand the universe
It’s the foundation of all existence
And without it, we would be lost

Quarks are the smallest things in the universe
And yet they hold the key to everything
They are the building blocks of atoms
And the quantum field is what ties them all together
Without quarks, there would be no atoms
And without atoms, there would be no us

The quantum field is a mysterious place
It’s where quarks interact and create atoms
It’s the foundation of our reality
And without it, we would be nothing

Science is the study of the universe
And quarks are the building blocks of atoms
Together, they form the fabric of our reality
And without them, we would be nothing

I hope you enjoyed it and have a wonderful day
- Fountain

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